8.1 Input Interface


  • Step 1 and Step 2: Enter a list of genomic regions. Please ensure that input genomic coordinates (Step 2) are consistent with the genome build (Step 1).

  • Step 3: Use genomic proximity, quantitative trait locus mapping, or promoter capture Hi-C to identify linked genes.

  • Step 4: Select from a list of supported ontologies.

  • More Controls: Use additional parameters to fine-tune the steps described above.

  • SUBMIT: click the SUBMIT button to execute the analysis.


  • Example Output includes interactive tables and high-quality figures for enrichment results. A summary of input data and the runtime (computed on the server side) is also provided for reference.

The interface of `ENRICHMENT ANALYSER (REGIONS) - EAR`. The `Show/Hide Info` toggle button contains the instructions on how to use it, including inputs, outputs, and other relevant information.

FIGURE 8.1: The interface of ENRICHMENT ANALYSER (REGIONS) - EAR. The Show/Hide Info toggle button contains the instructions on how to use it, including inputs, outputs, and other relevant information.

8.2 Enrichment Results

  • Under the Input Genomic Region Information tab, An interactive table lists user-input genomic regions.
The user-input data displayed under the `Input Genomic Region Information` tab for exploration.

FIGURE 8.2: The user-input data displayed under the Input Genomic Region Information tab for exploration.

  • Under the Output: Linked Genes tab, An interactive table lists genes linked from the input genomic regions.
An interactive table listing genes linked from the input genomic regions under the `Output: Linked Genes` tab.

FIGURE 8.3: An interactive table listing genes linked from the input genomic regions under the Output: Linked Genes tab.

  • Under the Output: Enriched Terms tab, An interactive table lists enriched ontology terms.
An interactive table listing enriched ontology terms displayed under the `Output: Enriched Terms` tab.

FIGURE 8.4: An interactive table listing enriched ontology terms displayed under the Output: Enriched Terms tab.

  • Under the Output: Dotplot tab, A dotplot illustrates enriched ontology terms. A downloadable pdf file is also provided.
A dotplot illustrating enriched ontology terms displayed under the `Output: Dotplot` tab.

FIGURE 8.5: A dotplot illustrating enriched ontology terms displayed under the Output: Dotplot tab.

  • Under the Output: Forest Plot tab, A forest plot illustrates enriched ontology terms. A downloadable pdf file is also provided.
A forest plot illustrating enriched ontology terms displayed under the `Output: Forest Plot` tab.

FIGURE 8.6: A forest plot illustrating enriched ontology terms displayed under the Output: Forest Plot tab.